Offline Social Media Marketing Services - Beyond Internet Advertising

Marketing your social media marketing services site doesn't have to depend solely on online tactics. In fact, there are extremely useful offline marketing methods that will invite many more visitors to your website than all your banner ads combined. Here are a few:

Local business magazines

Several states and cities have locally published magazines that deal with relevant businesses and interests. And all publications cover virtually every sector and niche market. What better way to invite more traffic to your website than to promote your online activity in the local market? This technique works best if you are an Internet company operator that caters to a loyal clientele.

However, you don't need to spend money to place ads. You can contact your local business magazine and offer to publish a monthly or even weekly guest column. This is a win-win situation as they can publish articles without costing them anything and you have to advertise yourself with very little work on your side.

Local newspaper

This includes more or less exactly the same idea as placing ads in local business magazines, although this time the medium used is the local newspaper. The only difference is that you have a wider audience that can be converted into regular guests of your website.

You don't need to contribute to articles or ideas for your local newspaper - although that doesn't seem like a really bad concept, by any means - you just need to make sure that your online business is promoted on its pages. You may have to spend money on ad placement, which could be paid for on time. Once again, this technique works best for Internet companies that rely on a local clientele. If you want to take advantage of the mass market, you may want to consider publishing ads in national newspapers.

Association newsletters

Many local associations print regular newsletters that are mailed to their members. Look for organizations that could become potential customers of your online company.

Local TV and radio ads

If your online business offers a product or service that local listeners and viewers can benefit from, create a TV or radio ad. Television and radio ads may not be the default, but they still offer a serious competitive advantage on the Internet. This is really the local show at its best.

Many television and radio shows have a really targeted audience. If your product or service matches the normal audience of a specific show, there's no reason not to let yourself go to a bit of marketing. Radio broadcasts, in particular, have multiplier effects. You can also try to make the most of this.


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